Tuesday 19 April 2016

7 ways to manage your anger

angry man
7 ways to manage your anger (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)
Got a bad reputation of blow your fuse? Here are some ways to manage your anger.

Whether it's a nasty boss, petty fights with annoying co-passengers in the train, rash drivers on the road or kids driving you up the wall — you often tend to lose your cool. It's normal to be angry in such situations, but make sure it doesn't become a pattern. This spiraling burst of temper can damage your interpersonal relationships and is bad for your health, too. Read on to control the rage:

Take deep breaths

Instead of jumping the gun to react to an allegation or argument, stay calm. Deep breaths will help diffuse an immediate outburst. You can also count till 10. It may sound childish, but it works.

Think before you talk

Often we tend to say vicious things in the heat of the moment. In the bargain, we either get into more trouble and/or regret our actions. Think what you want to say and whether you should at all say it or not, rather than just randomly blurting out.

Blow steam at the gym

Working out is a great way to release pent-up frustration and stress. When you indulge in some vigorous physical activity, happy hormones such as serotonin and endorphin are released in the body. Other benefits include a fit body and better health.

Take a break

Are you known for having a nasty temper? It's best if you don't plunge into a heated discussion. Of course, that doesn't mean you bear it. Take a small break, go out for a quick walk, drink some cold water or wash your face. And then, when the other person and you have cooled down, go ahead and make your point.

Sleep well

Sleep deprivation can lead us to become cranky, irritable, have mood swings, poor concentration and low tolerance for stress. So, if you haven't been getting enough sleep for a while now, it's time to alter your daily schedule such that you can get a good eight hours of sleep.

Cheer up

Sometimes, even after we have indulged in a verbal duel, we tend to brood over the situation. And this ruins the rest of the day. To avoid this, divert your mind and cheer up. Listen to your favourite music, watch funny videos or read jokes on the internet, play games on your computer or your phone. Even eating something good might lift your mood.

Practise relaxation techniques

Meditation and yoga are highly recommended to those with anger-management issues. If these ain't your thing, trying writing a dairy/journal.

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