Saturday 19 March 2016

pick the Barain

ihow to live a healthy life

7 Ways To Stop Feeling Like Shit

1. Stop Hitting The Snooze Button
When we hit the snooze button it gives our brain the message that we don’t want the day to start. I’m well aware that the sound of that obnoxious alarm at 6:30 AM makes us want to curl in bed for another 2 hours at least, but it’s time to make the most of your mornings. These precious hours are the only time in the day that we don’t have to open our mouths and answer to anyone yet… what could be better?! And if that doesn’t convince you, here are 5 reasons you should wake up earlier.
2. Give Up Animal Products for 1 Week
Disclaimer: I’m not vegetarian, vegan, raw, paleo, gluten-free, or any restricted diet for that matter, but I do believe that moderation is the key to health and happiness. If I’m feeling really weighed down, I’ll try and switch up my diet. Giving up animal products (yes, that includes dairy) for 1 week can totally flip my mood around… before I start craving baked salmon and roast chicken again. If you don’t think you can change up your diet for just 1 week, try out these vegan recipes, and your mind will surely change.
3. Change Your Scenery
Stagnant scenery is guaranteed to make you feel stagnant. That being said, there are a couple ways you can change it up. Option 1: Get out of town for the weekend. Drive a few hours away and mellow out in a new area with your loved ones, or even solo. You don’t have to travel across the world to take a vacation (but if you can, why not?!). Option 2: Redecorate your home. I don’t mean that you should go out and spend thousands of dollars on new stuff; there are so many wallet-friendly ways you can do it on your own. You can try re-wallpapering a room (great tutorial here) or jazzing up the look of your kitchen (6 easy ideas here). Get creative, but get out!
4. Stretch Your Body
It’s no secret that little-to-no physical exercise will leave you feeling like shit. Keeping your body strong and flexible helps you today, tomorrow and the years to come. If you aren’t big into physical activity, be sure to at least stretch out. There are so many at-home yoga videos that leave you with no excuse!
5. Start Juicing
Sadly, most of the population does not get enough of their essential vitamins and minerals coming from fruits and veggies. Being malnourished (even when you don’t realize you are) can really weigh you down, leaving you fatigued and bloated constantly. One great way to try and get your RDI (recommended daily intake) is by drinking fresh juice everyday. There are so many great juice recipes out there that finding inspiration isn’t hard. If you don’t have a juicer, find a great juice bar or brand from a trusted supermarket and try incorporating one drink daily. If you’re worried about the expense that juicing can bring on, try this: one tablespoon of Vitamineral Greens + 1 teaspoon of Liquid Chlorophyll mixed with an 8-ounce jar of filtered water. This is a good, inexpensive and time saving option that will deliver your necessary greens.
6. Take Your Vitamins
Don’t forget to take your vitamins! It is possible to get your daily dose from your dietary intake (5 foods for vitamin c here and vitamin d here). But for a lot of us, grabbing the jar of vitamins is a more surefire way to make sure you get everything in. Always consult with your doctor, but some vitamins I like to have in my cabinets are: probiotics, fish oil, iron, vitamin e and a total daily vitamin. After you talk to your doctor and begin taking vitamins for 1 month, you will definitely feel a difference in your skin, muscles and energy level.
7. Stop Questioning Yourself
Do you find yourself wanting to do or say something, then over thinking it and stopping yourself? Imagine what life would be like if you just stopped questioning yourself and did everything you wanted. Mind you, I’m not talking about quitting the job you hate without an alternative, or egging your ex’s car… I’m talking about starting the dance class you’ve been thinking about or sharing the blog you’ve been hiding for months in the fear of rejection.
If you feel like crap, you need to take action by keeping yourself healthy and your mind stimulated.  So stop questioning yourself and start living for you!
Sam Negrin is the founder of All Good Health and is an avid yogi (and RYT) in Los Angeles. She is also the Content Manager of LEAFtv – a fresh, easy to consume, how-to concept covering all things living, eating and fashion

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